APE Advisor Prep® BS/MD SnapShot

APE Advisor Prep®, BS/MD Snapshot provides future applicants and their families with a unique, assessment of their candidacy.  Prospective applicants depend on APE to provide high-yield, personalized guidance on their qualifications at specific intervals in time and trust our expertise to prepare them for future success.

Snapshot is a real time 60 minute one-on-one session delivered with world renowned BS/MD admissions expert, Dr. Kevyn To in person, phone or via Skype and may involve additional members of our team. Our team is currently comprised of Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Princeton, Dartmouth, Boston University, University of Miami, Northwestern, Brown, UCSF, UCSD, NYU, UMass, UPenn, UMKC, Queen’s University, McGill University, McMaster University, University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, University of Toronto, University of Ottawa and Western University educated physicians, scientists and editors.

Snapshot can be used to assist You With the Following

Optimal Extracurricular Experiences Assessment

Optimal School Selection for BS/MD programs

Optimal College Selection for MD programs

Optimal Healthcare Experiences Assessment for BS/MD programs

Optimal High School Course Selection Assessment for BS/MD programs

Cumulative unweighted and weighted GPA Assessment

High School Transcript Assessment for BS/MD programs

Improved Academic Suitability and Enhancement Assessment

Advanced Referee Selection Assessment

ACT and SAT Assessment for BS/MD programs

SAT Subject Exams Assessment for BS/MD programs

Individualized Future Entry Assessment for BS/MD programs

BS(BA)/MD Snapshot Framework





How It Works

 Tell us what questions you would like answered and complete our online SnapShot assessment for us to review. 



Schedule a time and meet Dr. To and the Advisor Prep Family to discuss your SnapShot results, go over customized objectives and formulate strategies to optimize your chances of admission down the road when you apply.  (You’re also welcome to record your session for no additional fee.)



After your Snapshot session, celebrate your new found knowledge and keep in touch to let us know how you’re doing.  We’ll even answer any additional questions you may have over e-mail, free of charge. Now pat yourself on the back for giving yourself the edge. Better Feedback. Better Results™